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Audit and Assurance

Professional audit and assurance services are growing in importance in today’s world which is targeting greater accountability and transparency. In a competitive business environment, we help you to understand the risks and challenges associated with your business and industry, understand the effectiveness of business processes, and improve areas considered as a weakness.


Our audit approach is based on objectivity, integrity, independence, transparency and technical knowledge. We do not undertake engagements which are deemed incompatible with our audit activities to prevent conflicts of interest.


Our expertise ranges from servicing non-profit organisations to small and medium sized local companies.


We provide our clients with an array of services, mainly:


  • Statutory financial statement audits

  • Special purpose financial statement auditing

  • IFRS and GAPSME conversions

  • Valuations

Audit and assurance services are provided by NC-Assurance, a partnership registered in Malta and having warrant number AB/2/18/16.

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